
Hotel am Meer, Rügen Island, Germany

Rügen Island, Germany

Hotel am Meer, Rügen Island, Germany

Innovative product solutions and high quality materials on the one hand, the sustainable use of financial resources on the other – these were the considerations involved when it came to upgrading the spa at the ‘Hotel am Meer’ on Rügen Island. Wolfgang Schewe, owner of the 4-star superior hotel, is thoroughly familiar with his guests’ requirements and knows that, today, the quality of the spa facilities plays a crucial role when choosing a hotel. Just one more reason to offer his guests truly exceptional types of relaxation, by means of innovative technology and unique spa treatments. One company Schewe called on for its innovations and expertise was the premium manufacturer KALDEWEI. This means that guests can now enjoy a cosmetic bath with a rejuvenating effect, literally immerse themselves in their favourite music, or simply have a massage in the whirl bath.

Hotel am Meer, Rügen Island, GermanyHotel am Meer, Rügen Island, Germany

60 rooms

KALDEWEI products:

1 x PURO mit Vivo Turbo Plus Whirlsystem und Comfort Select
1 x CONODUO mit Skin Touch Emotion

Town/city:Rügen Island, Germany

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