
New IBU Environmental Product Declaration for KALDEWEI steel enamel

KALDEWEI, Ahlen, June 2019. – KALDEWEI is an industry pioneer in promoting green sustainable building. The Institut Bauen und Umwelt e.V. (IBU) has granted a five-year extension to the EPD (Environmental Product Declaration) for bathroom solutions made of KALDEWEI steel enamel, first issued in 2009. Planners and architects will see that in addition to data for baths, showers and shower surfaces, the new declaration now also includes data for KALDEWEI’s washbasins.

EPDs are based on the international ISO 14025 standard and the European EN 15804 standard. They form the data basis for the ecological criteria when considering sustainability in national and international building certification systems: Under the system used by the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) and the BNB (sustainable building assessment system), the EPDs for the individual construction elements are used to evaluate a building’s lifecycle assessment. With LEED, credits can be accumulated for the availability of EPDs and the situation is similar for the British BREEAM sustainability certificate.

Sustainable and resource-conserving: KALDEWEI steel enamel
“The EPD makes the environmental impact of products transparent. Our ratings show that bathroom solutions made of KALDEWEI steel enamel have a top-class lifecycle assessment and are thus ideal for sustainably designed buildings,” says KALDEWEI’s Managing Director Franz KALDEWEI.

The main reason for achieving these high ratings is due to our products - made of natural raw materials, their longevity, and the fact that they are 100% recyclable. Steel enamel is thus a highly sustainable material and makes a noticeable contribution to conserving resources.

The new Environmental Product Declaration is now available for download from the KALDEWEI website: https://bit.ly/36H08v6.

Further information about the EPDs and the Institut Bauen und Umwelt is available at https://ibu-epd.com.


Source: Franz KALDEWEI GmbH & Co. KG. Copy requested.

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Planners and architects will see that in addition to data for baths, showers and shower surfaces, the new declaration now also includes data for KALDEWEI’s washbasins.


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Steel enamel is a highly sustainable material and makes a noticeable contribution to conserving resources. This is mainly due to the products - made of natural raw materials, their longevity, and the fact that they are 100% recyclable. Product shown: Silenio countertop washbasin made of KALDEWEI steel enamel.

Source: © KALDEWEI  |  2_KALDEWEI_Steel_Enamel

KALDEWEI ISH 2019 / Messe Frankfurt / Schmidhuber
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IBU Managing Director Dr. Alexander Röder presents the new EPD for baths, shower solutions and washbasins made of KALDEWEI steel enamel to Managing Director Franz KALDEWEI.