Strengthening the circular economy: The Madaster database has over 42,000 items detailing KALDEWEI product information

Strengthening the circular economy: The Madaster database has over 42,000 items detailing KALDEWEI product information

KALDEWEI, Ahlen, November 2022 – KALDEWEI is one of the 17 founding members of the German Madaster database* and one of the key pioneers setting their sights on a circular economy in the construction and real estate industries. KALDEWEI has entered into the database over 42,000 items of product information, making the German premium bathroom manufacturer the provider of the largest amount of data in the global register for materials and products to date.

Madaster Germany, was launched just over a year ago and already succeeding in making real estate more sustainable. By documenting, registering, and archiving the materials in buildings and properties it makes accessing information for reuse much simpler, promotes intelligent design and avoids waste. By doing this, every building becomes a true archive of materials and the transparency of raw materials included in the construction makes it easier to calculate investments. “High transparency paves the way for new planning and construction methods”, says Roberto Martinez, CSO at KALDEWEI. “In this way, every building becomes a material or raw material database,” he explains, making it clear that the construction industry can also take a big step closer to the vision of “a world without waste”.

The Madaster database allows you to access important information for each component in a building, such as the separability, the bound CO2 or the recycling potential. Making it possible to determine which products and materials can be reused; thereby reducing the amount of waste and CO2 emissions through circular construction. KALDEWEI uses an automated upload from its own product information management (PIM) to ensure that all the data is of high quality and up to date. All product information in the Madaster database is available in German, English, French and Dutch.

*Madaster is a database directory listing the plans and use of new buildings in terms of raw materials, to assist the circular economy and increase sustainability within the construction industry and real estate sector.

Source: Franz KALDEWEI GmbH & Co. KG. Copy requested.

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Image source: Madaster.com
